CQI Cupping Night Events
Come to join Tasse cupping night! 課堂上使用的咖啡豆全由擁有Q Arabica / Robusta Grader資格的傑出導師 (distinguished instructor) Paul Kim親自挑選,再從韓國直送,以Q Grader考試所用咖啡豆及評分準則練習來提升杯測技巧。

無論是對CQI有興趣的人、準備補考Q Grader的學員,還是需要calibrate的Q Grader,歡迎你們加入,看看能否分辨好豆壞豆!

現舉行一連兩場CQI Cupping Night☕️✨
9/5 (四) 19:00-21:00
16/5 (四) 19:00-21:00
📲 WhatsApp 70733512報名
Would you like to experience a sensory challenge by cupping under red light? Have you ever truly “tried” defective beans and understood their distinct flavors?
Come and join us at Tasse Cupping Night! Led by a current CQI Q Arabica Grader, we will practice and enhance our cupping skills using the same coffee beans and evaluation criteria used in the Q Grader exam. Whether you are interested in CQI, preparing to retake the Q Grader exam, or in need of calibration as a Q Grader, you are welcome to join us and see if you can distinguish between good and bad beans!
We are hosting two CQI Cupping Night☕️✨
9/5 (Thu) 19:00-21:00
16/5 (Thu) 19:00-21:00
📲 WhatsApp 70733512 for application
#CQI #qgrader #cupping #coffeecupping #coffeebean #咖啡教學 #杯測 #咖啡杯測 #咖啡工作坊 #收工好去處
Come to join Tasse cupping night! 課堂上使用的咖啡豆全由擁有Q Arabica / Robusta Grader資格的傑出導師 (distinguished instructor) Paul Kim親自挑選,再從韓國直送,以Q Grader考試所用咖啡豆及評分準則練習來提升杯測技巧。

無論是對CQI有興趣的人、準備補考Q Grader的學員,還是需要calibrate的Q Grader,歡迎你們加入,看看能否分辨好豆壞豆!

現舉行一連兩場CQI Cupping Night☕️✨
9/5 (四) 19:00-21:00
16/5 (四) 19:00-21:00
📲 WhatsApp 70733512報名
Would you like to experience a sensory challenge by cupping under red light? Have you ever truly “tried” defective beans and understood their distinct flavors?
Come and join us at Tasse Cupping Night! Led by a current CQI Q Arabica Grader, we will practice and enhance our cupping skills using the same coffee beans and evaluation criteria used in the Q Grader exam. Whether you are interested in CQI, preparing to retake the Q Grader exam, or in need of calibration as a Q Grader, you are welcome to join us and see if you can distinguish between good and bad beans!
We are hosting two CQI Cupping Night☕️✨
9/5 (Thu) 19:00-21:00
16/5 (Thu) 19:00-21:00
📲 WhatsApp 70733512 for application
#CQI #qgrader #cupping #coffeecupping #coffeebean #咖啡教學 #杯測 #咖啡杯測 #咖啡工作坊 #收工好去處